Tess McGinley

Tess McGinley's Fundraiser

Create WELCOME HOME kits  image

Create WELCOME HOME kits

Join me in supporting PATH today

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$50 towards $1,000

PATH serves

over 20% of the homeless population in California, through nine

interim housing shelters, 14 supportive housing communities,

and dozens of outreach teams hitting the streets each day. All

of these services will continue through the COVID-19 crisis. It has

never been more important for PATH to meet the critical needs of those

they serve, and keep those in their care safe and healthy. As

they continue to work in the community, they need our help. Please

donate to my fundraiser to support the PATH Cares COVID-19 Fund today to help

ensure they can continue to provide life-saving services for those

living without a home.